Friday, August 1, 2008

Working 9-5...make that 6pm .June 18th

Cliff jumping rock
lunch spot
heading back to Milos photos by WM

An early start saw us headed out by kayak to circumnavigate the island of Kimolos....with it's 38 km of coastline and it's undeveloped north and northwest sides with prevailing headwinds to paddle into always a possibility it potentially could be a long day on the water. Of course it was one of those scorchers - not a cloud in the sky... and temperatures in the 90sF... but as I always say if it's hot what better way to spend the day messing about in boats!
We found a terrific cliff jumping spot with a nature made diving board that Noah and Zoe made short work of... but then soon others like lemmings..Rick, Dan .... Kim followed with an inaugural inspiring leap from the lofty height!

Poliegos, an uninhabited island 1 mile away from Kimolos was temptingly close and looked worthy of exploration - it is about 1/2 the size but is considered one of the best geologically preserved islands in the Aegean and I hear it has many beautiful beaches, a lighthouse and caves to explore...ah that may have to be another time....
We have a big day of paddling ahead of us...

Kimolos consists mostly of acid volcanic rock of ryolithic type (for you geology buffs)and the biggest surface is covered in tuffs and tuffite a pretty light easy to shape volcanic rock (the same rock found in Cappadocia's magical rock formations in Turkey) "Poria" or "pori" as this rock is called is still mined and used in construction but once was a big money earner for the people of Kimolos as too the chalk traders. Industrial minerals such as bentonite,perlite, kaolin(chinaclay) ferro-manganese oxides, sulphur and zeolytes(environmentally friendly detergents)are still mined and we paddled along the sometimes raw coastline with hungry cranes slowly devouring the hillside...past geothermal hotsprings (way too hot for that today) as my compass at my bow signalled our turn northward and the breeze picked up just a little..
We stopped to cool off and swim in a sheltered cove full of day
(s)trippers in their power boats where we were apparently overdressed in our swimsuits...and then skipping across large bays and seeking shade exploring seacaves...we pushed on to our lunch spot -a secluded sandy bay with warm geothermal springs.

We had a wonderful picnic of fresh bread(sliced by me on a found on the beach poria rock cutting board), slabs(sorry read SLABS) of great cheese and divine tomatoes (lovingly sliced by me on the same cutting boulder) and everyone declared it was the best lunch ever! As there is no development or inhabitants at all on this part of the island our dolmatia(inn) keeper in Aliki had helped us improvise this very satisfying sure beats a well travelled clif bar any day! And of course food ALWAYS tastes best when eaten hungry, outdoors and after some serious hours of activity ie kayaking!!!

Now we pushed on...along the northwest coastline looking for the sunken and destroyed by an earthquake town of Ellinika - it helps that the water is so amazingly clear (even though I never saw a zebra mussel Kristin)but we were never sure if we had found the sunken city locale... but we were by now singing a few show boat tunes and Mamma Mia! inspirational refrains(fatigue and heat exhaustion were starting to show!)...
After stopping to explore an island, admire cliffs of seacaves and long strips of sandy beaches, a single sighting of the endangered mediterranean seal called monachus-monachus was an appetizer for our crossing back to Milos.
Partway through the crossing, amidst the interisland shipping lanes we were welcomed by a pod of dolphins!! - my first sighting of dolphins in the mediterranean though by the dolphin frescos found in Knossis on Crete dolphins were much more common in these waters back in Minoan times...
I am always so blessed to be in the presence of these incredibly intelligent and joyfully playful beings!! They seemed quite interested in us and came over to check us "little boat people" out... and then they continued on their commute home to wherever the dolphins of the Aegean live... What a thrilling experience and enough of a boost in team morale to pick up the pace and paddle in strong to our long awaited shower and bed and return again to Milos.

We dined that night in the town of Appalonia, a little chic "euro -cafe" kind of place with tables along the water's edge of this sweet fishing village...
Here's to another fabulous day on and off the water!!
And soon as the head hits the pillow again...ZZZZzzzzzz....
Sweet swaying dreams,
kali nikta,

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