Sunday, June 15, 2008

I have arrived on Milos!

...As I stood on the deck of my ferry last night looking up at the dark starry sky with it's orbital glow of the moon...I soon forgot my jetlag fatigue and long planes flights and felt how amazingly different I felt for that deep inhalation of the salt air and the vision of the sea with dark silhouettes of islands as we sailed by..
Ah how lucky I am to be back on the Aegean sea and I had 9 hours of a ferry ride to contemplate this very thought though of course I treated my self to a berth so I did catch a few hours of sleep and a nice hot shower. I arrived here on Milos at 2am this morning and believe it or not was met at the ferry by my roommate deTraci! DeTraci our Minoan Goddess expert and I have been on several trips together as some of you may remember...we talked until 3am and then promptly fell asleep.
Milos is known for it's Venus de Milo statue that was found here and it appears that all hotels seem to have a model of her in their gardens - at least ours does! Of course now the original sits at the Louvre in Paris.
On first glimpses seen on my drive to the airport this morning to pick up some clients is that Milos or the town of Adamas is set on a beautiful large bay, our kayaks are already laid out on the beach ready for this afternoon's paddle. the interior of the island is sparse and rocky with lots of mining.This is an exploratory trip so hopefully everyone has arrived with spirit of adventure that such a trip demands... it WILL be fun and I hope the weather and winds are running in our favor!!
I made all my flight connections though did have to sprint through the airport in Vienna...but to be honest the exercise felt good to my tangled legs from my middle row economy seat enroute from Chicago. My Lufthansa flight was the first plane I have flown in that had the bathroom facilities downstairs!! Fancy!!
This weekend is a big Greek holiday weekend for Pentecost so Monday is a public holiday so things are buzzing here and most ferries were full except my slow car ferry...
Anyway as always not sure what my internet access will be like especially when we head to the remoter parts of the island (not even sure where we will be sleeping!!) but I'll keep you posted when I can.
With love from the sea,

1 comment:

Walt said...

Hey Kiwi:

Have fun. Call me when you get back to the states.
